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Pros & Cons of the UK Academies Bill (2010)
What is the Academies Bill?
The Academies Bill is first major piece of education related legislation passed by the new coalition government.
According to the number10 website the purpose of the bill is to create “a world beating school system in which every parent has access to a good school and all pupils achieve high standards”
The Academies Bill will allow any school in England and Wales to opt out of local government control extending the legacy left by Labour PM Tony Blair who pioneered the city academy scheme to raise educational standards in deprived inner city areas.
What are the arguments for the bill?
The bill is enthusiastically supported by the Conservatives, led by Michael Gove the Secretary of State for Education. He argues that the bill will inject fresh dynamism into the state education sector by empowering head teachers and liberating them from state bureaucracy.
The majority of studies suggest that the granting of academy status improves educational standards significantly. Michael Gove believes that all schools should therefore have the right to apply for academy status rather then a selected few based in deprived inner city areas where educational standards fall below the national average.
What are the arguments against the bill?
Opponents of the bill argue that by allowing all schools to opt-out of local government control the coalition government will essentially be creating a two-tier state education system reducing equality of opportunity for students.
Polly Toynbee has argued that the academies bill will “fail the poorest and fuel the rise of faith schools”. Ed Balls MP, the Shadow Education Secretary, has criticised the bill arguing that it will accelerate the social segregation of children as money flows away from deprived areas towards better schools in wealthy areas.
Why is the Academies Bill being rushed through Parliament?
Michael Gove is attempting to fast track the Academies Bill through Parliament using a procedure normally reserved only for constitutional affairs or counter terrorism legislation. He is arguing that there is no time to lose as over 1,500 schools expressing an interest in applying for academy status.
Others are concerned that the coalition government is simply attempting to bypass proper scrutiny of a potentially unpopular bill. If successful, the coalition government may well use the same technique in the future to force unpopular legislation through the houses of parliament.
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Pros & Cons of the UK Academies Bill (2010)