Looking More Rested Takes Surgical Intervention Sometimes

Submitted by: Stewart Wrighter

There are many cosmetic surgery procedures which can be done to correct what Mother Nature did not perfect the first time round. These operations are very common procedures these days down to the point where the everyday working man and woman can now afford to have something nipped or tucked. A lot of people may forget about what happens after cosmetic surgery though, and this should be taken into account when people are booking time off work for the procedure to be done.

For example, one of the most common operations is the above and below eye operation. Above the eye, the excess skin or fat is removed and the stitch line is placed in the natural crease of the eyelid. Under the eye, the fat layer begins to sag slightly which makes people look tired or overworked. This procedure is done from the inside of the eyelid nowadays so that there is no scar line. They take out the excess pad of fat and pull the skin up tighter and this gives an overall look of a more relaxed and youthful look.

It is not all plain sailing though by any stretch of the imagination. Any invasive operation carries its own risks with anesthetics and other dangers. The patient has to be in reasonable shape before the doctor will operate, and recovery depends on the person and how their skin heals of course.


People who have had this kind of operation often wake up with a very swollen face and two black eyes to contend with. If one does not take enough time off work, this is very difficult to explain in the office. Indeed, many people need at least four to six weeks to begin to look human again so this must be thought about before the work is done.

Obviously, those who have a nose job too will often end up with black eyes too. the bone growth in the nose is often chipped with a hammer and chisel to achieve the best shape. Then the cartilage is cut to shape so that the overall finished result is better than it was before. The patient will have to wear a splint for some time to keep everything in the right position so it is unlikely that they will able to resume normal duties for some time.

In fact, it is normally the bruising and swelling that embarrasses people when they have had some work done. Not everyone wants to tell the world that they have had their face and/or body worked on since this is absolutely private of course. So fitting this in with annual holidays, or that special leave for an extended period, is the only way that someone in employment can keep the whole thing under wraps.

The recovery period also needs help from those closest to the individual since they may feel a little off for some time. Having someone around just to make sure everything is going as it should is both a physical aid and an emotional help too just until the patient begins to feel like their old self again.

About the Author: Stewart Wrighter is researching

cosmetic surgery

for an article he is writing. He has found that

after cosmetic surgery

there are many recovery options.



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